cost-of-living benefit — noun a benefit that goes to anyone whose money receipts increase automatically as prices rise • Hypernyms: ↑benefit … Useful english dictionary
cost of living clause — A provision, commonly in labor agreements, and also in certain pension, retirement, and disability benefit programs, giving an automatic wage or benefit increase tied in some way to cost of living rises in the economy. Cost of living is usually… … Black's law dictionary
cost of living clause — A provision, commonly in labor agreements, and also in certain pension, retirement, and disability benefit programs, giving an automatic wage or benefit increase tied in some way to cost of living rises in the economy. Cost of living is usually… … Black's law dictionary
Living wage — is a term used to describe the minimum hourly wage necessary for a person to achieve some specific standard of living. In developed countries such as the United Kingdom or Switzerland, this standard generally means that a person working forty… … Wikipedia
cost — v. & n. v. (past and past part. cost) 1 tr. be obtainable for (a sum of money); have as a price (what does it cost?; it cost me pound50). 2 tr. involve as a loss or sacrifice (it cost them much effort; it cost him his life). 3 tr. (past and past… … Useful english dictionary
Cost segregation study — Part of a series on Taxation Taxation in the United States … Wikipedia
cost — costless, adj. costlessness, n. /kawst, kost/, n., v., cost or, for 11 13, costed, costing. n. 1. the price paid to acquire, produce, accomplish, or maintain anything: the high cost of a good meal. 2. an outlay or expenditure of money, time,… … Universalium
Benefit fraud — is falsely claiming money from the government. Typically, defrauding a government by falsely claiming state help or money. It is the subject of much media frenzy in the UK and Australia.Recently, the United Kingdom Department for Work and… … Wikipedia
Cost of conflict — is a tool which attempts to calculate the price of conflict to the human race. The idea is to examine this cost, not only in terms of the deaths and casualties and the economic costs borne by the people involved, but also the social,… … Wikipedia
Living Enrichment Center — entrance, Wilsonville … Wikipedia
Living lab — Articleissues|article=September 2008 cleanup = September 2008 OR = September 2008 peacock = September 2008 advert = September 2008Living Lab is a new research paradigm integrating both: * a user centred multidisciplinary research approach * a… … Wikipedia